Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Delegates at IPAF US Convention: Stop Paying Lip Service to AWP Safety

Frank discussions on what is appropriate training for aerial work platform (AWP) operators and how to keep operators safe marked the first-ever IPAF US Convention held in November in Chicago.

Brad Boehler, Skyjack president, provided industry data and statistics that identify leading potential hazards that must be incorporated in risk assessments and method statements to protect workers from these risks.

In another presentation, Paul Penzkover, safety director at Mortenson Construction, highlighted some common problems on sites: unqualified personnel, using personnel platforms to hoist materials, non-approved modifications/attachments, climbing/standing on rails, unstable or improvised ground conditions, and travelling while elevated.

IPAF does not deliver training. However, there is a training program provided independently by some IPAF members in North America, which include rental companies, manufacturers and training organizations. This training program is managed by IPAF’s North American subsidiary, AWPT (American Work Platform Training).

Delegates also heard presentations on sustainability, rental statistics, accident research, the Latin American market and mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs).

Kevin Groman, senior VP at RSC Equipment Rentals, spoke on “Strategically Approaching Sustainability,” citing an example of how the company’s trash and expense audit led it to review its use of tires to save millions of dollars on dealing with waste and recycling. Groman made a challenge to all to look at their business and discover how they can, through a sustainability plan, improve their bottom line and simultaneously stop filling their trash bins.

About 100 people attended the Convention, ranging from rental companies and manufacturers, to unions and end-users, and reactions to the event were positive.

“I’ve been covering these topics for years and from my perspective, the biggest obstacle is no longer a lack of information or a failure among those in the industry to believe in the necessity for safety and training,” says Jenny Lescohier, editor of Rental Product News. “Right now, I believe the problem boils down to a lack of follow through. There needs to be a shift in thinking where safety and comprehensive training go from being ‘nice to haves’ to jobsite imperatives. The solution to the problem remains elusive, but events like the IPAF Convention go a very long way toward finding it.”

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